ORGANIC MLM – The Business Opportunity With A Conscience
To build a solid income with an organic mlm only requires learning a few basic skills and committing to work consistently (even if part time) for a minimum of 1 to 4 years.
I’m sure if more people knew how life changing and beautiful the rewards are that come from succeeding in this type of business they wouldn’t hesitate to get involved.
Our organic mlm is not about convincing people, but instead about creating awareness of the importance of organics for our health and for the sustainability of our Planet.
I’ve been involved in this business since more than 5 years and the endless beautiful things it’s brought into my life are indescribable. I’ve met the most gorgeous souls because of it, I have the coolest business partners I admire and love, I’ve learned a wealth of useful information, my health has become outstanding, I feel like I’m doing work that is meaningful and worthwhile in the world and the residual income lets me follow my passions and spend my time doing things I love instead of having to work for money.
Below I’ve made a list of some of the benefits you’ll receive by joining our organic mlm. (even though I’m sure there’s a lot more I haven’t included).
Benefits of joining an Organic mlm company:
1.Residual Income:
The greatest advantage of building an organic mlm business is that it gives you an opportunity to receive long term residual income from an ethical and sustainable industry. The larger your team is the more monthly income you receive and once your business has a certain size your income keeps growing whether you continue to work or not. The fact that it’s sustainable also means that the more you earn the healthier our Planet is.
2. Very Low Risk:
There are always risks to becoming an entrepreneur but with our organic mlm the amount of financial commitment to get started is insignificant compared to that of most other businesses. In a traditional brick and mortar business or franchise you can have immense start up costs that can easily add up to 500,000$ and include a lot of risk. Our organic mlm costs less than a few hundred dollars to begin, has very minimal monthly fees and provides you with wholesale discounts on the purest products in the world.
3. The Huge Demand for Ethical and Sustainable Products:
Organic products are very much in demand in today’s world market and the trend is increasing by record amounts each year. Consumers are becoming increasingly conscientious about the immense benefits of organics for their health and for the sustainability of our planet. Our organic mlm allows you to create financial freedom by supporting ethical business and helping others whilst capitalizing on 3 of the largest worldwide trends (the booming organics industry, the home based business industry and the health and wellness industry).
The incomes possibilities are very lucrative and there’s no cap on how much money you can generate. In most corporate jobs, regardless of how hard you work your income is usually tied to a “market standard” and it’s difficult to get a raise, however with our organic mlm you have no upper income limit and you decide how much you want to earn.
So far the network marketing industry has created more millionaires than any other industry and the organic mlm model can provide the average person (who is committed and works consistently) long term wealth within 2 to 4 years.
5. Immense Flexibility:
With our organic mlm you can build your business from the comfort of your home, you can set your own hours and you can work from any location in the world.
6. Unique business relationships:
To succeed in network marketing is only possible by being helped and by helping others. When everyone benefits from working together this creates unique “win-win” relationships that arevery enjoyable and makes for a fun and friendly working environment. It’s also the best foundation for amazing lifelong friendships.
7. No inventory:
Traditionally Network Marketing companies would have distributors stack up on inventory. Our organic mlm doesn’t require you to stock any products whatsoever. The company ships directly to your customers and business partners anywhere* in the world and takes care of all product development, orders, shipping, handling and processing for you.
8. Minimal time investment:
You can build your residual income on a part time basis (most people start this way) and generate your desired income by working 5 to 10 hours per week. The Direct Selling Association research shows that 90 percent of MLM sales representatives work less than 30 hours per week and 50 percent work less than 10 hours per week. In addition, MLM businesses do not require a long-term commitment from their sales representatives.
9. Work from Anywhere in the world:
You can build your organic mlm from anywhere in the world as long as you have access to the internet. This means you have no commute and are able to take your business with you while you’re on the road, on vacation or visiting friends anywhere in the world.
10. Low Running Costs:
The network marketing model makes it possible to run a business at very low costs (compared to any other business model) and also provides you with immense tax benefits you might otherwise not be entitled to.
11. Leverage:
In a typical job you are paid for trading your time, whilst in an organic mlm you are paid on the efforts of yourself and of everyone in your team. This lets you get paid forever for work you did in the past and lets you trade the 45 year retirement model for a 2 to 4 year one. Using a business model that uses leverage is also the fastest way to create wealth (which is especially important in uncertain economic times).
12. Incredible lifestyle:
Network marketing can provide you with a fantastic lifestyle that is normally reserved for the rich and famous. Once your business has a certain size, you will experience the time freedom and financial security that allows you to follow your passions 24/7 and lead a very rewarding and fulfilled life.
13. Meaningful Work:
By earning your income from ethical and sustainable industries, you are DIRECTLY healing our planet in so many ways. The more people who join you in your organic mlm, the lighter the toxic load on our Planet, the less pollution and chemicals being produced, the less environmental destruction, the less global warming, the less exploitation of people and animals, the more healthy people there are, the more sustainable our Planet and the brighter our future for everyone.
Every single decision we make every day makes a difference, and decides (as collectively each human life and their habits have a compounding effect for good or bad) whether we have a healthy and healing or toxic and dying Planet to live on. Economic stability depends on ecological sustainability.
I can’t think of a nicer way to earn an income than by making the world a better, safer, healthier and happier place to live in.
Become part of the solution!
“The superior man seeks what is right; the inferior one, what is profitable.”- Confucius
The blunt truth about the politics of climate change is that no country will want to sacrifice its economy in order to meet this challenge, but all economies know that the only sensible long term way of developing is to do it on a sustainable basis. – Tony Blair
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. “- Chief Seattle
If you have a special request or want to speak with me directly, fill in the form below and I’ll get back to you within the next 24-48 hours. Be sure to include a phone number in your message and a good time for me to reach you. I look forward to our conversation.
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*Our organic mlm operates in most countries in the world, however there are very few countries that are exceptions. Please contact me if you would like more information.
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